The Mastermind
Unseen Special
Can’t Touch this - normalIn the Shadows - Will appear bd to investigate abilities for 3 nights - don’t know if I should change this to all game?
Day Abilities:
Watchful Spirit - The mastermind uses a captured spirit to spy on a certain player revealing all whispers to and from the player.(2 uses) - Completely gets rid of prince meta aristocrat can keep maid.
Shadow Clone - Mastermind creates a spirit that replaces a certain bd class that allows it do do any night ability as long as it is not any of sheriffs the ability cannot kill/poison or protect (3 uses) - too op?
Night Abilities
Dark Empowerment - Empower a unseen member based on their class (4 uses)
Killer - Makes them not able to attack guarded targets, that are death immune,healed or have scout on you will receive a message “There is a scout on your target” if this is true.
investigator - Gives them the class of the player when using an investigation ability( except follow) and ignores prefixes(such as must be bd).
Social - Make the player appear their pre-converted class if investigated.
(made Alcoholic and Herbalist different because they were two completely different classes)
Herbalist - If the player the Herbalist selected with “drug” was bleeding/poisoned they will be told they were healed instead of attacked but healed.
Alcoholic - If anyone visits this class they will be re-targeted to another player of your choosing.Convert - same as normal
-Don’t know what I should do so I will leave it with you
- Remove Peaceful End at Midnight
- Keep Peaceful end at midnight
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