MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!


  • Hello and welcome to this unsual mini FM!
    What is it? It’s a basically a concept relied on original game with same name that has been changed with minor changes.
    There is Agents (Town), Hackers (Mafia) and unofficial role made by myself - Double Agent (Neutral).

  • This game is a test of your scum-reading skills. Do you think you have what need to take a win?


  1. No gamethrowing.
  2. No editing messages.
  3. No private messaging with others in the game about the game.
  4. Don’t show your role card to anyone without permission from the Host.
  5. Be active! After 24 hours you will be probbed and if you don’t answer, you would be replaced/modkilled.
  6. Most importantly have fun! After all this is why you’re here.
  7. Breaking any of those rules will be effective in a warming and next attempts would be follow up by potential modkill.


  • There is 3 rounds. People on 1st, 2st and 3rd place with most points will win the game.
  • This game is nightless. The round will be over after accepting 5 Nodes teams.
  • Actions are done by DM me in role card.
  • Hackers don’t have a separate chat.
  • After receiving a role card, you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it.
  • After rejecting 5 Node Teams in one session, Hackers will automaticly win.
  • After winning Agents gain 2 points, Hackers 3 points and DA 4 points

Choosing Phase:

  • To choose a player to Node Team write /pick [Name] in thread. You have 4.5 hours.
  • You can pick specific people required to the team including yourself.
  • You can either accept or reject the current Node Team by DM’ing in PM.
  • There is an option pass to another player by writing /pass.

How to Join:

  • Just say something like “/join”, “in” or whatever you want to express your interest in joining.

Role Cards:



Antivirus - Install a program that will work against hacking attacks.
Secure at least 3 Nodes.


You can see who are the Hackers and Double Agent
Antivirus - Install a program that will work against hacking attacks.
Secure at least 3 Nodes and don’t let hackers to identify you.


You know who are your teammates.
Antivirus - Install a program that will work against hacking attacks.
Hacking Tool - Break the code and prevent the Antivirus from installing. However your presence will be detected.
Hack at least 3 Nodes or successfully identify the Admin.


You know who are your teammates. You can identify Admin if 3 Nodes would be secured
Antivirus - Install a program that will work against hacking attacks.
Hacking Tool - Break the code and prevent the Antivirus from installing. However your presence will be detected.
Hack at least 3 Nodes or successfully identify the Admin.

Double Agent

Every even choice would be opposite to the first one.
Antivirus - Install a program that will work against hacking attacks.
Hacking Tool - Break the code and prevent the Antivirus from installing. However your presence will be detected.
Be in at least 3 accepted Node Teams.

Standart Rolelist:

  • Agent
    Double Agent

Mainframe Rolelist:

  • Admin
Node Combinations:
Node 1 - 2 People
Node 2 - 3 People
Node 3 - 2 People
Node 4 - 3 People
Node 5 - 3 People
  1. Marluxion - 0 Points
  2. MaximusPrime- 5 Points
  3. Hippolytus- 6 Points
  4. CaptainNerbins - 2 Points
  5. Whammerist - 4 Points
  6. Pug - 2 Points
  7. Celeste_Ludenberg - 3 Points
Round 1

Beginning / N1
N1 / First Team
N1 / First Team Votes
N1 results / N2
N2 / First Team
N2 / First Team Votes
N2 / Second Team
N2 / Second Team Votes
N2 / Third Team
N2 / Third Team Votes
N2 results / N3
N3 / First Team
N3 / First Team Votes
N3 / Second Team
N3 / Second Team Votes
N3 / Third Team
N3 / Third Team Votes
N3 / Fourth Team
N3 / Fourth Team Votes
N3 / Fifth Team
N3 / Fifth Team Votes
N3 results / N4
N4 / First Team
N4 / First Team Votes
N4 results / N5
N5 / First Team
N5 / First Team Votes
N5 / Second Team
N5 / Second Team Votes
N5 / Hackers and Double Agent Win

Round 2

N1 / First Team
N1 / First Team Votes
N1 results / N2
N2 / First Team
N2 / First Team Votes
N2 / Second Team
N2 / Second Team Votes
N2 results / N3
N3 / First Team
N3 / First Team Votes
N3 / Second Team
N3 / Second Team Votes
N3 / Third Team
N3 / Third Team Votes
N3 / Fourth Team
N3 / Fourth Team Votes
N3 / Fifth Team
N3 / Fifth Team Votes
N3 results / N4
N4 / First Team
N4 / First Team Votes
N4 results / Hackers Win

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Why did it take me like 1 min to scroll down


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Ok what the hell!? It was good on sign. Give me a sec!

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/join if you make the text smaller and let my inactivity :wink:


I cannot read halp

OMG everything is in max # size


We join reading nothing

lmao how do you make it that big

OP lmao


This is what I need btw

That large text

dont quote that out of context pls

It even gets bigger xD

halp the text is going to eat me lul

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that op is me irl

It was on 2 ## i swear! :confused:

If you’ll return the favour to my message lol

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Sorry but I know theirs are bigger I dont have one doh