MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Shufflepick or Holy Grail

Anything that is in your mind. You can launch them at once if you want.

Nah Shufflepick wont release till a day or 2 after Throne of Riots end and Holy Grail needs more thought so would probably be longer

Very Well. I already prepared somethin’ just waiting until Fire and Ice Mafia would end.

U can go first :wink:

Pls no shuffle pick

Is that begging I hear…

ay I win

I assume from the title lel

Thanks :)
You didn’t play that bad yourself.
I’m guessing that Celeste was the one that hacked the first node?


Why am I not surprised?
Honestly, half the time I was paranoid and thought that Celeste would go “Fuck that” to your orders and nuke me instead.

Every time I play Mindnight in any form, I always lose no matter how hard I try

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Btw sorry that I kinda forgot I was a co-host for this

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