MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Do I sense a hacker’s spite

Celeste is neut but its a better option than a possible hacker

If you do it’s marl

Why does everyone automatically assume I’m scum? That’s actually one of the scummiest things you could probably do

The ramblings of an owl

It does include someone from N1, so I’m fine with it

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hoot hoot

I’m not scum ;_;

Noot Noot

Noot Proofo

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But I could say the same to everyone then

Choice Voters
Accept Hippolytus, Whammerist, Celeste_Ludenberg, Memesky, PoisonedSquid
Refuse Marluxion, MaximusPrime

Team was accepted. Send me your actions in PM.

@Memesky @Margaret @Whammerist

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Sus king exe max


The Node was compromised!

It was hacked by 2 people!

@Whammerist now you’re up. In the Node team can be only 4 people.

Image result for bahroo police

Why does Whamm get a second time choosing :frowning: why not meeee

Order is from up to bottom…

@Whammerist Sooo Whamm… u didnt hack first round for a reason?

Dont let any of us go up again cuz that couldve been a 3 way hack if I chose to hack

That would mean u skipped people

Okay the timer was set up on 4.5 hours for now.

Also why would u tell the public that multiple people hacked? Its impossible for people to know how many people broke the code LOL. Helps us out though I guess but doesnt seem fair for the hackers

So now cuz of that little statement, Hackers cant win. All the hackers are compromised LOL. Ez game