MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Wham, propose Marl, Maxi, Hippo, and Squid. I know one of them is a hacker due to the fact that you are, but I might be more proven that way, so I don’t care.

So u denying u are a hacker LOL


You’ll find out this node that I am good, anyway.

:woman_facepalming: Such flat out denial

Doesn’t matter. The results will speak for themselves.

Nerby u cant be confirmed. Memesky already admitted to being scum :woman_facepalming:


cough he left when he was outted

Quote where he “admitted”.

Omfg are u a skrub

No, you’re an idiot.

@Twil1ight Give me my choice now b4 I become hulk smash

Actually, it’s Whamm’s turn, once he passes the turn to me, I’ll go and have all the agents in a node

Do not choose me, Wham, or Cel.

That’s what I’ve been planning all along

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Too bad poisoned that its my turn next lololol

I’m between you and Whamm, I’m pretty sure I’m next

If u havent noticed, Twil1ght skipped people u n00b

Fine, let’s ask @Twil1ight herself
Is me or Celeste up next?