MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Illuminati music plays

Also, did I just see an edit?

Quickies don’t count.

It was still an edit though

No pencil = No edit :eyes:

Fine, Mom

Reject this node bois.

Marl… you know it’s possible that Whamm and Nerb hacked and not the DA, right?

@Margaret , would you ever hack the first node you’re in?

Squid, you know it’s possible that Celeste hacked the node because that’s common sense, right?

Also the neutral is really trash
no reason for them to exist imo

Don’t use my stupidity against me, that was before I lost 9 games of Mindnight in a row

I didn’t hack it, so I’ll reject.

hey ok let’s make this interesting
celeste is the worst hacker in the game, because I’m actually the fucking DA
@Margaret do you continue to counterclaim the DA and do you want to continue cockblocking a neutral or not

Wait… did you hack the node?!

it should also be literally confirmed that a double agent chose to hack that node considering it got hacked twice
and celeste is claiming they didn’t do that

yes I hacked the node, I was forced to
because I was in the first node as well
my next action, thus, will always be a secure

not only that but you can angleshoot I’m the DA over Celeste because I literally corrected her on how it works right as the game started because I asked for the same clarification in my DM
not only that but celeste has done a shit job of claiming DA

… Sorry Nerb boi

Annnd I’m proven. Not really, but I didn’t fake-claim.