MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

This is not Steam, so I might actually have a chance for once

That’s the goal of this game as well. We can treat the double agent as if they are scum.

Or as if they are neutral.

Choice Voters
Accept MaximusPrime
Refuse Marluxion, Whammerist, CaptainNerbins, Hippolytus, PoisonedSquid
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Margaret. Number of people in Node: 4.

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There was request to post her choice if it ever would happen. The team is @Margaret @Marluxion @Hippolytus @MaximusPrime . Accept or refuse in PM.

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can’t let Celeste in another node. Sorry!

Marl listen here you little fucking crumpet trumpet
I am forced to ALWAYS SECURE the next node, and it is LITERALLY CONFIRMED THAT IS THE CASE
nothing you are saying makes sense and if you continue spewing directly false information I’m going to conclude you’re the second hacker with celeste

Choice Voters
Accept MaximusPrime, Celeste_Ludenberg
Refuse Marluxion, Whammerist, CaptainNerbins, Hippolytus, PoisonedSquid

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Marluxion Number of people in Node: 4.

I have a somewhat strange feeling that Maxi JUST MIGHT be a hacker.

I’m not don’t worry

But bu whamm… u arent the double agent and now at this point u are just trying to quick claim LOL

/Pick Myself, Hippolytus, MaximusPrime, CaptainNerbins

Memesky replacing out of frustration leads me to believe he was the only agent in the Wham/Celeste/Meme node.

I’m accepting this and I encourage all of you that i’ve picked to as well. I’m confident this wont be hacked.

@MaximusPrime @Hippolytus @Nerbins


It doesnt have me so gotta deny it

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Sure whatever

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Like its a good team and all but uhm… IT DOESNT HAVE ME.

So I have to deny it or else im not winning

The team is Marluxion Hippolytus CaptainNerbins MaximusPrime . Accept or refuse in PM.

No. Wham’s not in it.
Cel is clearly fakeclaiming DA.

I hate to say this, but Marl is out of his mind

marl if you’re agent this game you’re actually being such a fucking meme rn