MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

U are really bad at links btw

On my phone.

_ [T] _ T-pose Friday

(Shitposting Friday)

Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion, MaximusPrime, Hippolytus
Refuse Whammerist, PoisonedSquid, CaptainNerbins
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @MaximusPrime Number of people in Node: 4.

Max, care to explain why you accepted almost every team?

Bad excuse. Im on my phone 100% of the time. Heck only time I went on comp was to distribute Camelot’s classcards

I accepted

Woah woah woah Twil wanna uhhh switch my vote to an accept to troll every1

hippo why in god’s name are you accepting that

I’ve never gotten a link wrong on my computer.

Just don’t “abstain” next time.

And wouldnt u ask for a Tiebreaker at that point twil

Are you stupid

Idk who’s scum out of us k

There’s a couple people I trust sorta and we need info

How many until hammer

And yet you’re accepting every single setup.

Rejected Nodes: 3/5

Not every single one you turd

Because Nerbins is by far the most likely inno out of you 3, I’m in it, and marl and max haven’t failed anything or been overly susp.

Ha ha yall cant deny a single more node :smiley:

Too bad I still loss

After node 2.