MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!


I didn’t want to put in one of the DA claims yet tbh

that doesn’t even matter if you trust me
nerbins is still confirmed lol

Im 100% sure I didnt say I hacked and I said I secured :woman_facepalming:

And you both claim neutral. And I don’t.


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celeste do you understand if you’re claiming DA that secured
you’re saying me and nerb are both hackers, double hacked, and thus outting us would literally mean you would lose the game as you would 'confirm’4 agents
you make

@Hippolytus , do you agree with this?

celeste say right now if you confirmed or secured n2
because if you still want to claim you secured we can literally instantly prove you wrong off the prop

I secured my dood

Then you will hack this time if you are telling the truth. Which you aren’t.

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Hackers dont have a chat so yall either messed up or yall didnt expect the double agent to also be in it

Twil made me read the OP this time :frowning:

so then you’re saying that you’re a DA who secured n2
and thus me and nerbins are both hackers and the game is solved
and so… you outted yourself to autolose the game

Not sure about squid. I’m definitely doing me u wham

like holy fuck your logic makes no sense

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Well im sorryy that I didnt expect both god damn hackers to be in the same node

Nonsense, there was only you.

Prop: Me, Squid, Hippo, nerb

:woman_facepalming: no what nerby, gimme your SFoL spot if i flip double agent at end of the game. Ill replace it with Camelot V3

And if you’re hacker you play no more FMs.