MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

i mean its pretty much 100% certain
Celeste + Max/Hippo
posioned and marl are lock town and should be treated as such

I swear on [Insert Important Thing Here] that it’s actually not me

it’s a 50/50

Marl, me, and Squid.

After this, me, Marl, Squid, and Wham.
It’s a guaranteed win.

i hack my next node

You’ll hack this one, but not the next one.

That means the hackers win smh it’s 2:1 in favor of hackers rn

We know it’s Celeste, and either you or Hip.

you absolute donk
if you put me in a node you lose

Weren’t you just Secure?

yes you donk
so the next node I enter i will hack

I meant after this one, you will be secure again.
Secure. We’re putting you on the four person one. The one we’re currently voting for is three person with me, Squid, and Marl. The one after this, which is secure for you, we’ll put you on along with the previous 3.
Not on this one, donk. READ.

oh my god
I give up, do it then
too lazy to explain this to you

Nerb, vote me you and Marl, no other option boi

I did.
Choosing Wham would hack this, I know that. I knew this from the start. @Whammerist

can you READ nerbins
I hack the next node I enter
it can be the 4th node, the 5th node, the 1735th node
it’s not just the amount of nodes that happens, it’s where I enter them or not

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Oh, not the node number, the node you’re in.
Sorry. I thought it meant nodes in general. I concede defeat. You’re right.

gg ez no re
so yes you do squid nerb marl
and then it’s the 50/50 between max and hippo for the last member of the 4th node

And you choose that.