MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

You are a hacker fake claiming DA.

That explains how the node got hacked last round.

Either way, we ignore both of them.

trying to explain basic deduction to you is like calling rush limbaugh to explain socialism
id rather not
if you think me and nerbins hacked that’s great lose this round
I’ll be laughing with my 3 easy points

Guess what, Einstein. One person hacked. I still agree that we ignore Wham, but one person hacked.

One Person

Well then, we shouldn’t have any issues with this team.

you’re right
you found me
now find my hacker buddy

I am almost certain you’re bullshitting.

marl and his godly deduction skills have cornered me
may the shepherd send the sheep to the slaughter

Yup, he’s bullshitting.
We still ignore him either way.

Double Agent is NOT Mechanically provable. A hacker can secure/hack/secure/hack also. Stop saying it’s 100% proven you’re DA.

sorry dad

Is there such a thing as Reverse MVP?

I really wanted to provide my reads and help Agents so I had the most points
but considering marl slept upside down last night and all his shit just sorta fell into his skull
I won’t bother

As much as this goes against us, I don’t blame you. pats shoulder

i’m back!

The team is @Marluxion @Nerbins @PoisonedSquid . Accept or refuse in PM.

Accept this bois

Choice Voters
Accept MaximusPrime, PoisonedSquid, CaptainNerbins
Refuse Marluxion, Whammerist
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send me your actions in PM.

@Marluxion @Nerbins @PoisonedSquid

says accept
