MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Ok Hippo has no reason to lie atm cuz hes at 2 rounds. That would mean Option 2 would be the answer

@Twil1ight I think we basically gamesolved.

incorrect rof

If it doesn’t involve me as Agent, then it’s not solved

Max, do you think Squid is a hacker?

I really want to think Hippo is Agent too lol
Do you think Tw1’s clarification could mean Marl is really hacker?

That can be possible

Marluxion - Agent
MaximusPrime - Hacker
Hippolytus - Agent
CaptainNerbins - Agent
Whammerist - Hacker
PoisonedSquid - Double Agent
Celeste_Ludenberg - Agent

4 Agents, 2 Hackers, 1 Double Agent

(P.S. when DA is afk, he hacks, secures, then hacks repeat to entertain Twil1ght)

Just remove the double, and you’ll get me right

Whammerist wouldnt be stupid enough to hack with Marl in the same node as him so Marl cant be hacker that was afk

in all fairness I would be
i didn’t even know hackers auto-secured

Yeah but u and marl wouldve had a conversation about it already because Marl wouldve already thought about that (i know marl too well)

uhh if it makes you think i’m agent fuck it sure

Now im going to have some scotch to celebrate me being a useful town asset for once. Gimme like 30 mins

U arent Agent. U arent DOUBLE agent. Which means u a hacker.

You use “useful” rather liberally don’t you

So unless hippo is serverly trolling us, u a hacker

Yes. Yes I do. Just like how I call Kitten useless to town

Now lemme drink my scotch! >:(

So that confirms me as Agent then? Or are you still hiding behind the mask of ignorance?