MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

U sense that with every damn node

NOT IN N1 OR N2!!! Read!

Squiddo, go look at how u were playing round 1 and then compare it to how u are playing rn.

You arent an agent this round. Its a matter of whether u are a hacker with whamm or the double agent

Round 1, I didn’t know how the game worked
Round 2, I actually know how the game works despite me losing every single fucking game I played

Anyone can see the difference. ANYONE.

@Hippolytus & @Marluxion u see the difference between Poisoned’s round 1 and this round right?

Round 1:No experience
Round 2: Some experience and is actually trying to win for once

Lol we can still compare the late game to this and its still different

If you want us to lose, then that’s fine, but I’m trying real fucking hard this time

Alright then, accept the damn node team then if u believe we gonna lose

Like I said, I’m trying my damn hardest to win this one, so I’m not throwing

How about I bribe u with 20 Euros if u accept the node team :wink:

I’m American, Euros don’t mean shit


and thats proof that Poisoned is scum

No one would deny free money unless they know they will lose!

And that’s proof that you’re an idiot

I can’t use Euros! I use dollars and cents!

cough paypal converts u n00b

I don’t use Paypal cough

Choice Voters
Accept Celeste_Ludenberg, CaptainNerbins, Hippolytus
Refuse Whammerist, MaximusPrime, PoisonedSquid
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Whammerist Number of people: 4.