MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

No, I’m salty because you’re being so dumb right now!

Prove it Squiddo

Find one actual blaring error with my statements that you can prove with evidence that is accessible

You keep on shuffling with people on what their classes are way too quickly, there are a few people that aren’t confirmed yet including myself

Me shuffling? Nah. I already established the scum are you, Maximus, and Whammerist. Its just which is whom.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you accepted a node that had at least one potential hacker from N2

I won’t deny that Whamm is possible scum, but have you checked the other people in N2?

celeste this is node 3
if you think you have found all scum, you’re just wrong lmao
it’s a matter of if you’re being fooled or being deliberate
i’ve got no clue on squid’s alignment but I do know mine

Yes I have. If you read

I’ve found that arguing with stubborn Celeste has no point ATM. Watch as this gets hacked and she will still call me hacker.

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Good maximus accepts his fate

There are liars here, you know that

I’ll accept another L. Watch as Celeste turns out to be the DA btw


Ok, here’s a thing. I’m going to bed soo if team would be submitted you can still vote even though i won’t annouce it right away.

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Help im dying

I drank too much scotch

:man_shrugging: :wave:

I wanna die

I want my Forum Veteran role ;(


(how does one get it)