MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Nerby hasnt really tried to get on a node team

Honestly I don’t even know which nose you’re talking about

My last two votes were accept

And is passively helping town

It’s possible I missed a nose

U miss a nose


Not trying to get into a Node seems scummy to me

Nah to me its town

But town need to be in the node
Only mafia can win by idling

Imagine if you are in a group of four exploring.
1 person stays behind, 3 people die. A person survives and tells the tale and calls an ambulance.

Get what im saying?

Thats the lowest my higher mind town mind can go

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That doesn’t make any sense and the three are dead already so calling an ambulance while exploring someplace is unlikely

They were exploring their backyard

Max failed the test

Who dies while exploring their backyard wtf

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What kind of backyard do they have??? One full of knives?

One with archaeologists as their parents

They fell down a pit

You want the fire brigade not an ambulance if they fell down a pit

How is an ambulance gonna get them out the pit