MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

@Pug you’re the one who can choose a team now. Number of people in team: 2. Good luck.

Alright. Secret Hitler meta.

Select person two slots below you.

/propose Me and Marl

The team is @Marluxion @Pug . Accept or refuse in PM.

I’m a liberal

yeah, I trust you are Liberal.

Same here

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Shoulda chosen me I’ve been scum twice now so I’m basically confirmed cuz that’s how statistics work right.



Also Marl.

If Double Agent. Pls secure

That’s a pretty scummy entrance post Hippo :thinking:

I was obviously being sarcastic lol

I do know that’s not how stats work

Errr what angleshoot…? I havent really been doing it for a while

Ngl I think marland pug are hackers

The fuck

Scummy post

Scummy entrance post trying to take advantage of the situation?

I dislike it tbh.

I think marls a hacker, he’s clever enough to know I was clearly joking about my stats post. Pug is probably town as although he also said that was susp I think he would think that.

No offense pug

I can always sheep on a Marl is scum idea :wink:

Luckily for me, I’m the admin and i know you’re a hacker

So if that’s not a joke, I guess ur confirmed hacker?