MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I’ll let you decide if it’s a joke or not

Just let me and pug start off

I fucking swear Marl

1 Like
Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion, Pug, Celeste_Ludenberg
Refuse MaximusPrime
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send your actions in PM.

@Marluxion @Pug

The Node was secured!

No hackers detected!

@Margaret now you’re up. In the Node team can be only 3 people.


/nominate Me, Pug, Maximus

@Twil1ight here u go

Team is @Margaret @Pug @MaximusPrime Accept or refuse in PM.

I know Im the Admin
Pug should be fine
Maximus refused which means he isnt stupid enough to be a hacker


i’ll be without internet from the 10th to the 17th, aka it’s looking like I can’t finish this :frowning:

I’m also without Internet from exactly the 10th to the 17th spooky

I’m also without internet from exactly the 10th to the 17th. What is this madness?

Doesn’t include me. Rejecting this. Encouraging others to as well.

Celeste is my top scum right now. She had no reason to let me and pug do that first node, but she did. Don’t let Celeste in any nodes.

I think Marl is having his idiot moment. I know who the scum are because Im the fucking admin. Marl, you arent scum so be a good sheeple and listen to me for once.

Wait whats the catch with the admin role again @Twil1ight

cuz knowing the scum is too op

you aren’t the admin because if you were you wouldn’t say it no matter what
since you’d auto lose if you did