MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

you’re a hacker claiming admin

wait what

celeste this is so forced it hurts

I havent played this game mode and I was too lazy to read what whamm posted tbh

just accept being called scum and move on :wink:

Sure! Im scum

Im the Hacker

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Reject this and dont let Celeste into any nodes pls

tell us who your partner is friendo

My partner is you ha ha ha

But seriously, is there any way to stop the auto-loss

cuz if there isnt I kinda just threw the hardest ever on accident

no, there isn’t
but you’re not the admin
If you were, you’d tell us who both the scum are.

Oh ok the scum are… dun dun dunnnn Pug (no surprise) and Whamm!!!

@Twil1ight Can I suicide since I messed up badly

Aaand yet you accepted a node with pug in it
I call bullshit

Nah, Its mainly so that I could prove to yall Pug is hacker

i think your partner is either whamm or hippo though
interesting that you picked whamm as the second one

since u obviously dont believe me

also whats this class called the nuker