MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

accept it u noob

Choice Voters
Accept Celeste_Ludenberg
Refuse Marluxion, MaximusPrime, CaptainNerbins
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Marluxion Number of people: 2.

Come on… just accept… ;(

> accepts outside of node
> is outed hacker
> expects us to gamethrow like [REDACTED]


/propose myself and Maximus

Max let me just prove myself
It’s nerbins and Celeste

Team is @Marluxion @MaximusPrime Accept or refuse in PM.

Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion
Refuse Pug, Celeste_Ludenberg, CaptainNerbins
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @MaximusPrime Number of people in team: 2.

@MaximusPrime me and you

Pick me



N. O.

Heck off da

Meme, stop posting. i really don’t want to repeat myself more than i have to.


Pick Maxi and Pug.

MaximusPrime failed to choose a team in time. @Nerbins now it’s your turn. People in team: 2

@Nerbins Put me on my boi

/propose Maxi and Pug

Team is @MaximusPrime @Pug Accept or deny in PM.

Anyone who rejects is pretty much a confirmed hacker.


If you are an agent u should reject lol