MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

@Twil1ight too much time passed

Choice Voters
Accept Pug, CaptainNerbins, MaximusPrime
Refuse Marluxion, Celeste_Ludenberg
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send your actions in PM.

@Pug @MaximusPrime

@Margaret Maximus is the admin

It’s 100% Max, make sure you guess him

No I’m not

I’m DA /s

The Node was secured!

No hackers detected!

@Pug now you’re up. In the Node team can be only 3 people.

/propose @Pug @MaximusPrime @Nerbins

Team is @Pug @MaximusPrime @Nerbins Accept or refuse in PM.

Gj confirming yourself as hacker

The game isnt really about finding scum.

Its more about finding allies.

Nah, It’s about finding the admin
100% max

Well it is for you Mr Hacker

But like also you’re wrong. Also you’ve probably already lost by now but like… I’m the admin

I’m not scared to admit that i am the admin.

Even if itll lead to your win. Idc too much ngl. I cant gain enough points to win anyway

Good for you. Too bad it’s obviously Max.

Yeah well. That’s where you’re wrong with your reads sir

@Margaret trust me. Pick Max. If I’m wrong, you can blame be entirely for the loss. I’m 100% sure.

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Good for you

Well it’s actually me. So enjoy the loss eedyot

| |l || |_

suck it marl