MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!


It is possible.

you would never hack in the first node either tbh

Oh my god. Welp this made it harder.


fair enough lol.

Im accepting this node so fite me

meta for this game is to pretty much never hack N1 but it’s still a thing that happens
getting both n1 and n2 to go clean with at least one in common in both is ideal

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But wouldnt it be better to find the hackers immediately :thinking:

thats impossible unless you get 2 fails in the first node lol

no because this game is about finding town
ie secret hitty

do you get told how many fails?

No me in it? Shouldn’t you say i could be a hacker too fam


I thought poisoned chose himself lol


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*blowing the spectator away

But seriously if you do this…well i would just “erase” you from backup.

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I was too stupid to pick myself

(NYOOO) kay i’ll stawp

If only people had posted easy clarifications on how to generally not fuck up as to prevent things like this from happening

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