MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

i didnt mean you i meant wham me marl

Twi said hackers could not hack so not until like node 4

If you try to put people in N4 we do not have information on I’m going to wipe you

if we have lots of fails on people we have tried surely putting up someone we havent is better?

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But but Whamm…

that’s true
but I’d still rather the harder players to read get tested first, if that becomes a factor.

So I would be first?

@Twil1ight how much to hammer

W/e you think lol
My ideal node as of right now is probably Wham Marl Hippo as well tbh

I only need one vote from a person who didn’t vote. Current Number of rejected Node Teams: 0/5.

Errr check DM?

Yes i saw but not everyone submit their vote.

If it was one away from hammer it shouldve hammered :thinking:

U didnt wait for everyone the first time

Does anyone wanna play deathwing while we wait

I was requested to wait for every vote so there is no majority.

Actually… since there is no confirmation from one person i will annouce the results…



Choice Voters
Accept PoisonedSquid
Refuse Whammerist, MaximusPrime, Memesky, Hippolytus, Celeste_Ludenberg
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Margaret ! Number of people: 3. 1 hour…