MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

This game isn’t suppose to be long. I would set the timer in the next round tho. Also i’m going to sleep soon so you will have extended time anyway until me or my lackey would come here.

You can vote if team was chosen in meantime.

Me meme celeste

The Node team is @MaximusPrime @Memesky and @Margaret! Accept or refuse in PM.

that is literally the same proposal we just refused

@MaximusPrime ???

not literally the same

i think it’s decent probably anyway

no it is literally the same 3 people

wait it is

which you denied the first time.

god damnit

ahem BOI

funny how that happens

i didn’t realize -_-

well, i do like celeste for now, we only have reads at this point

who was the third person i picked?

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oh my god lol

uhhhh i did not forget

fake quote

but seriously, who was third

Read and you’ll know

maximus: “i’m tired of being spacegoated as scum by everyone”
also maximus: “hey guys what were my actions I don’t even remember lel ecks dee”

Welcome to the Club of Scums.

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