MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I’m just glad you’re not spamming “max is hacker1!1!!1” like hippo would

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Legit just dont put anyone from Node 2 in and yall get a guarenteed win.

But that also would mean i would lose

I guess we could put you in another one

bitch why


Hippo be polite to the owl >:(

Bitch it’s true >>>>>:(

There’s a 2/3 chance celeste is a hacker lol.

bitch don’t call me a bitch

… Hippo im the double agent u n00b read plox

I just want me free win

You said you backed down on that

If I back down then less people thinking about me >:(


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And if the DA wouldve claimed already if it wasnt me :woman_facepalming:





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Heyyyy Boxxy~Kun