MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

But Hippo

It was advertised as turbo

Sleep is for the weak

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Whamm tried framing double agent,but the agent had something else on mind. @Margaret just say you hacked it be honest

Nah my food I did no hacking :frowning:

@Twil1ight Do we have the special win con where if a whole node is hacked with no attempts at securing, hackers auto win? Or nah.

If its a thing well I just saved yall

It was a thing in the main game so that’s why I’m asking

My bad I forgot lol

You’re forgetting multiple things here

What about the beach chearths or beach chfires

Lol how about a #BeachShark

I would like to call you a hacker, but there were were two hackers in N2 and you weren’t in it, so that would be stupid of me to say that

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Cool u calling yourself a hacker xD

You know I meant Max, right?

No, u replied to yourself and only said “you”

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Ffs twilight adding a neut -.- scumsided

Says the scum lol

This is a type of scenario i hate so much in mindnight

7p is a known scumsided mode in mindnight

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Well, it’s now town sided, we know who everyone is now