MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!


@Twil1ight How many nodes were rejected?

3 so far. Soon to be 4.

Look at the OP. There were at least 3 teams.

so you have to accept mine

manical laughter

Or we could just accept Max’s choice, either we have 4 agents or 3 agents and a DA

There’s likely a hacker in there since Celeste implied that she was approving it.

squid this isn’t getting accepted lol
no one outside of the node should accept and hippo is denying as well

Tf nerby? Im pretty sure I said I was gonna deny every node

More denies = I get to make town cry

If you deny every single node, the hackers win

But then again, you’re a confirmed hacker, so it’s good for you

Thats the point, yall wont let me win so why let town win

What am I supposed to get from this?

If hackers just always deny with me, they win. Doesnt even matter

if all agents accept hammer this literally isn’t a problem lol

Whamm, Nerby come on just end the game the easy way

you’re actually so stupid lol

One of them is permanently afk u noob

Just saying