MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

@MaximusPrime I drink your salty tears

get ready to win, cause the agents are all gonna accept this. i will also accept this to lose faster so all you guys need to do (DA and Hackers) is accept.

Max, sorry to break it to you, but Meme pretty much confirmed you as hacker.

  1. i’m actually not hacker so that logic is flawed as fuck
  2. how? show me
  3. i already told you idc if i lose if i get to take you down with me


I can’t show you because that would be cheating. You can’t quote rolecards.
Until after the game ends.

Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion, MaximusPrime, CaptainNerbins, Hippolytus, Whammerist
Refuse PoisonedSquid
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send me your actions in PM.

@Nerbins @Hippolytus @PoisonedSquid @Marluxion

just flip the node
if there’s a hacker in it agents lose

Potential hacker might not hack the node, just saying. :wink:

But flip is coming anyway…

The Node was compromised!

Hackers and Double Agent win!

Hacker Team: Hippolytus, Celeste_Ludenberg

Double Agent: Whammerist

The round 2 will start soon…

Scoreboard was updated. Start rolling…

Class card were distributed. Please confirm after you got it.

Person who is picking: @MaximusPrime

Number of people in Team: 2.

Good luck.

you know what.

Me me join boy next round


marl will you be not bad this round

someday you’ll understand what i mean when i say we need to treat the double agent as if they are a hacker

not when they’ve already entered 2 nodes and they’re a confirmed secure you don’t

:clap: Hackers :clap: Secure :clap: Too

confirmed da’s actions are predetermined