MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I totally didnt forget his name

The team is @Margaret @Hippolytus. Accept or refuse in PM.

Twil wouldnt do such a thing as give me and my old hacker friend the hacker role twice lol

So we can modconfirm us as Agents/Double Agent

Any denies = Sus asf

Hippo played well. I’m okay with the outcome of first game.

Hippo was MVP

Also, Celeste, I kept my promise.

K cool :wink:

What was that promise again

You are now blacklisted from any game I host. AND you can no longer play FMs. Sorry. (Technically I made that promise, but I’ll take it back since I’m not an asshole.)

Oh cool but Im a Hacker, i have to lie :wink:

hacks into the system and whitelists myself

Ez pz im not blacklisted

*waiting for win as Hacker by claiming Hacker

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Hey Yin-Yang Symbol that I hate soo much

Will the hacker thing have an effect on this?

Image result for crashed ship

It was such a good ship, too.



you noobs, guess what i was actually the god damn agent but nooooooooooooo you guys screwed yourselves over OMEGALUL