MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Very true

If anyone inside denies, well peeps be stupido

considering how celeste is playing less like trash I can see them being agent
I guess I’m taking Tw1’s words to heart then and me and Hippo are in conflict

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it’s just a matter of, literally nobody hacks n1 lol
we don’t get this node right ever anyways so I’m not upset

Hippo was the one who didnt want me in last node so that the both most likely agents werent suspected

fair enough except that’s just not wanting N1+1
anybody who’s played this game would tell you the same thing; it’s a established meta rule of the game

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Yes, but its also unlikely that Hippo got hacker again. If Hippo is theoretically the DA, well gg he won lol

Well I’m agent so accepts are actually the suspicious ones :man_facepalming:

Yes but its also a good tactic

being good at the game =! being agent

Denies are the sus ones actually Max now fite me

literally incorrect
agents deny way more nodes than hackers do.

How is marl not sus again? Did I miss that part

Yes, because saying you’re an agent instantly proves you’re an agent.

Since u wanna deny this team, explain who the hacker/da is and why u believe its them

Nothing I’ve done to contradict it /shrug

literally nobody out of node needs to do so
if you are not in the node, you know it will be hacked

Hackers auto-secure and Marl is offline for the next 7 hours which is why im saying hes not hacker

If he is, he would still be an essential agent for a node

Since node ends in 4-5 hours.