MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

A vote for hippo is a vote for freedom

Errr uhm okay dont choose hippo?

lol why

If i was hacker i would leave the game choose me lul (100% fair)

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seems legit

A reminder after selecting a team vote accept or deny in PM.

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@Whammerist Choose me and someone else pls

Random team leader no player list way :frowning:

what is the order of teamleaders?

If you secure this node, you’re forced to hack the next one

If you’re telling the truth about being DA anyways

Ik dont bringg me to node 2

Claiming DA was bad rip

I never got a card

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If we don’t bring you to Node 2, you’re forced to hack Node 3

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First one is always random each round. It will come from up to bottom.

Yeah claiming DA is stupid
We do not pick Celeste lol

Obviously pick me

Wait… are we not supposed to have cards here?

Ok so fun facts for all my fellow Agents here

  1. Always put yourself into your own node. You are lock town to yourself, and not putting your own self in your node is essentially stating you’ve got a scumbuddy in the node you’re proposing
  2. Once we get to a 4 node, and you are an Agent that is not in it, DO NOT APPROVE IT. You know it contains a hacker.