MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

We know it’s not you, me, or Nerbins… maybe Max?

It could be u

The fact that u tried to pull a fast one also concerns me

@Twil1ight Help

I lost my sanity a long time ago

Choice Voters
Accept PoisonedSquid, CaptainNerbins
Refuse Whammerist, MaximusPrime, Hippolytus, Celeste_Ludenberg
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Margaret Number of people: 4.

i voted accept

It would have been 3 v 4 anyway

Celeste_Ludenberg failed to choose a team in time. Next to pick: @Marluxion Number of people in team: 4


I just get on and shes like no

1 Like

@Twil1ight darude sandstorm :frowning:

/Propose Marl, Celeste, PoisonedSquid, MaximusPrime

The time has passed. Sorry just following rules.

And the quickest deny of my life

How many denies do we have left after this

cough as we type together at the same time

The Team is @Marluxion @Margaret @PoisonedSquid @MaximusPrime . Accept or deny in PM

We have to accept this one or we’ll forced to accept a possible hacked node

I think Squiddo just said the stupidest thing in his life

Any node yall choose will be hacked