MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

This is the last suggestion. I have to be in 3 modes to win, and Max did not choose me.
Therefore I can’t win.

Whether I’m the spawn of Satan or not is besides the point.

Hey Twi, is it safe for me to leave now?

Pug is a spectator he knows all lol

Just finish this round.

He’ll replace me in the next round cause I’m dead inside from this shit

Ok i got it.

Team is @MaximusPrime @Marluxion @Margaret @Hippolytus Accept or refuse in PM

Could u just count this vote here as an /accept
No point in hiding my vote at this point really. We have to accept his demands and any denies are insta sus

The Double Agent cant deny or they lose from not being in 3 nodes & denying too much
The Agents cant deny or they insta-lose by denying too much
The Hackers cant deny or they are insta-outted & shamed

That node’s gonna have at least one hacker in there, but I have no choice but to accept because someone thought I was a DA >:(

But what if game throwing agents

Celeste. I already lost. This is the third node.

It’s literally impossible for me to be in three nodes now.

So I’ll deny as much as I want.

Oh sht was looking at wrong node team

Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion, PoisonedSquid, Celeste_Ludenberg
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send your actions in PM.

@Marluxion @Hippolytus @MaximusPrime @Margaret

Well Maximus might be a hacker

Online but didnt vote :thinking:

What I just got on wdym

Pretty sure hes hacking this after him obviously trying to set us up for the fall.

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