MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I wish I’m the DA, but I’m not

Only Celeste would fakeclaim in this setup lmfao

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Technically speaking the agents could hack too. In the game they have the option too.

No agents cant hack in-game they can only secure

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So why is there a hack button when I am an agent?

For memes probably. If there hidden option for throwing as agent…

You can’t select it

You cannot hack a node as Agent

come join my turbo game

pick someone plos

Propose Wham and Squid

Hacked O.O




do it in PM

Nod Team is Whammerist and PoisonedSquid! Accept or refuse in PM. Majority is 4.




PM = Private Message i send ya.

Boi, I’m not the only one that made that mistake

It’s gonna be publicized later anyway so w/e

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Nope,hackers will accept it if they see others are accepting to look less sus if they planned to try to deny