MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

@Pug accept this friendo

I’m rejecting cuz marl is clearly buddying pug and spouting random ppl as hackers.

I trust pug, i already said that
sue me

also you and celeste are both going to decline this 100% anyway since you’re both hackers

@Nerbins If you’re the double agent, please secure

What possible reason do you have for that?

Celeste seems like she’s trying to distance from you

U actually think it’s me and Celeste again lawl

In what way has Celeste distanced me this game.

Tbh, I kinda already lost from being being an idiot and outting myself as admin but :woman_shrugging: if Marl wants to continue trying he can but not going to win anyways

I dont believe you are admin
Not even for a second
You’re smart enough not to throw Celeste

Face it, Marl, you know she’s not.

How has Celeste distanced me?

Marl just accept the god damn autowin

Me knowing the scum makes this game borrringggg

no i’m actually not memeing
i need to replace out lol

Celery I’m not a hacker you dingo


same as of tomorrow I won’t have WiFi for a week

Choice Voters
Accept Marluxion, CaptainNerbins
Refuse Hippolytus, Celeste_Ludenberg, Whammerist
Abstainers The rest

The Team was rejected! Next one to pick: @Pug Number of people: 3.