MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I personally trust you for now, Marl, but it would be advantageous to see if there are any hackers in this node.

Team is @Nerbins @Pug @MaximusPrime Accept or deny in PM.

I won’t accept that since I know there has to be a hacker in that node
I encourage you to decline this as well

There are only 5 players. 2 hackers 3 Agents.
Since I know I’m an agent the second hacker HAS to be one of you three

Tinfoil: I think there’s the possibility of both being scum. Didn’t marl propose it? I bet he definitely didn’t except Celeste to hack it

I know for a fact that it isn’t me :thinking:

I denied this node so do u rlly think I was the one to hack it…

This is another example of when town just listens to scum!marl

You declined it for freaking town cred

To be honest, I did think there was no way that the node was going to be accepted…

Celeste & Tunnel

Accept this.

We won’t know for sure until we try this.

Accept if you haven’t already, please.

Decline this

This node will be hacked ffs

We cannot win 2-0 with this little info
I think Nerbins might be the second hacker

This seems like “oh no all the agents are in this we can’t let them win yet when we don’t know who admin is” tbh

If this gets hacked, I get to decide all of the future nodes
