MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

hacks into the system and whitelists myself

Ez pz im not blacklisted

*waiting for win as Hacker by claiming Hacker

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Hey Yin-Yang Symbol that I hate soo much

Will the hacker thing have an effect on this?

Image result for crashed ship

It was such a good ship, too.



you noobs, guess what i was actually the god damn agent but nooooooooooooo you guys screwed yourselves over OMEGALUL

We know, yall were too occupied with me that yall didnt notice hippo :wink:

i knew it was hippo… the rest didn’t tho

I had a feeling, but Meme’s timing was horrible.

celeste you were actually so garbage lol

What game is this again?

Oh the game I did my job in but only my hacking partner would understand

you literally didn’t hack a single node for anyone
the only node you hacked I also hacked and it just outted you lel

who’s picking?

The Node Team was already picked. The team is Celeste and Hippo.


Twi would never choose the same people as hackers

no, you need to put me in it this time ffs

also i hate hippo for convincing idiot town that i’m hacker for no reason

YOU HAD NO PROOF I WAS HACKER (and guess what i wasn’t wow what a surprise)