MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

learn to read pls

whenever anyone blatantly wrong about the scumteam I’m always so fucking sus of them lol

That’s why I didn’t put her into the team

Why do you say nerbins is the second hacker?

Memesky (Which is now Nerbins btw) and Whamm got into n2 and it showed two hackers

Marl, what in the cucumbers have you been smoking?! I hope your higher up status didn’t turn you into an airhead because I swear to Mama Alfa if you don’t understand what the doodle I’m talking about, all of us are gonna be on the Titanic in an ocean of hot sauce!

You do realize that Celeste was the second hacker in that node, correct?

Whamm is a hacker and Celeste is the DA.

Okay, I like me some contradictions :ok_hand:

…The Double Agent can both hack and secure you hecking dingbat

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Correct. But I’ll be proven, so I don’t care what’ll happen.

Illuminati music plays

Also, did I just see an edit?

Quickies don’t count.

It was still an edit though

No pencil = No edit :eyes:

Fine, Mom

Reject this node bois.

Marl… you know it’s possible that Whamm and Nerb hacked and not the DA, right?

@Margaret , would you ever hack the first node you’re in?