[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


Cops are fine to use on setups, that’s it.

Other than that we can’t really rely on mech to find wolves.

im better in closed setups than open setups.
because i use the fact that im better at figuring out mechanics and how they work to my advantage, to find lies in peoples claims.
not what mechanics could be present, mind you. i dont have a mind for balance or whats normal or whats not normal. its how the mechanics are written and how they work which i use.
hence why it works in closed games. if everyone knows how all the mechanics work my advantage is useless

you are making villagery posts that come from a villager

Anyway my day of doing nothing productive is over time to play my whole game is already planned

Alice is lock town for me. Nothing can ever change my mind about that.

that’s fair.
As i’ve given up on meta, most of my gut reads are based on what I remember from the past
So of course if i don’t remember something or was never a part of it, my gut read isn’t fully accurate.

Top 3 scum?

You are trying to use a MECHANIC as an extra parity cop.
You’re saying to avoid Mechanics, so please, actually do that.

I want to rely on mechanics, mechanical discussion is my speciality 100% but if I do that, I literally will just be killed and hated on.

If I would not be allowed to do it, I’m not letting anyone else derail the thread like that.

Okay then I like you for liking my posts you may now know why yet but it’s gonna go fine and all

I’m thinking Centuries is probably village at this point. He is behaving similar as in FM in my last game with him.

and this means it also works with pre-given fake claims sometimes, as sometimes the people using them dont operate them correctly and i can see that sometimes

I’m definetly not but yeah I’m town

And theres no problem with guts being wrong, I was totes wrong on Priestess in Hydra JK9, people mess up. Its simply the fact stating your gut and starting a discussion. I dont think the fact that Alice is town is really disputed atp, doesnt mean I agree with all of her reads as I feel like Crich is not town atm

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Why am i over looked it was my idea…
Like we should use mechanics when needed to help us but we don’t need to “Just” talk about mechanics.

Top three scum right now are Ami, you and the person I have my vote on currently.

And? That’s literally the farthest we can rely on mech, and that’s in the case that we manage to snipe the cookie and Eevee doesn’t swindle us again.

I’m saying that we shouldn’t put all of our eggs in one basket and we should leave it as an afterthought, not rely on solving via cookies.

crich is a tough nut to crack for me
every time i’ve seen him play, he’s shown a level of haziness that is baffling to me (no offense crich)
i dont have a gut read on him either way yet.

Which is who again?

This does remind me of FM. You had a similar reaction to being pushed on did you not?