[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

/vote PKR

Any posts that indicate this in your PoV?

I voted Leafia to:

  1. Have it in my posts
  2. Because Leaf was my top scumread

mods can do that

Wrong thread for votes.

1 Like

Also now you cannot trick me by faking votes here <3


What do you mean, no?

Leaf is town

So is cheese

Patience is a virtue my friend.

And Crich


Finally you say something I agree with.

No I don’t wanna

I have no idea what you are atm

GTH scum but idk

Hip, explain your vote on me.

PKR wanna join my towncore, i dont wanna pressure u but if u say no ill kill myself

Derps is probably acting village if I didn’t know any better. FM anyone?