[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Anyone: makes a read based off an action
Leafia: “But what if they did that so they would be read?”

What I’m trying to say is that you should never townread someone just because they did something wolfy, which is what Nerbins is doing here.

Ah, yes, the tried and true tactic of TWTBAW. cough cough


Which is how I survived in Insurgency. By making people think I was acting TWTBAW.

Yes, I used that too to survive there.

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You seem to forget that I was one of the people who saw through that.

True. You were one of those who saw through that.

This game feels like a damn 18p I swear like half the game hasn’t posted

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I do wish more people were posting.

SDA you still didn’t say what you bet that I didn’t write that ISO

Yes I know someone is going to scream that this is useless but hecc you in advance

For what it’s worth, I think you did write the second ISO Light.

So do I, it’s way worse than the other one

What about the first one :eyeroll:


The first one I highly doubt you wrote it. It doesn’t sound like you at all.

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The dat iso just wasn’t written by you

I’m asking what you want to bet holy shit

interaction doesn’t seem staged
kyo’s on an entirely different wavelength than napoleon and I don’t think they’d plan something like that to go like this

post by nap showing that the claim was a panic claim that wasn’t thought of at the start of the game, because they softed SDA flavor
if the intention was to bus nap after they drew out PRs from the start of the game, they probably would not have wanted to leave breadcrumbs like this.
very low iq analysis but still noteworthy

Everything else to be said on Nap’s ISO has been said I think