[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Does food count?

Anyway, I should get some food soon


I’ll allow food.

Still tell me who is you unique toen and mafia read as of right now.

I dunno bout unique, I haven’t really been paying direct attention to everyone’s reads

Can I ask about your read on me rn?

These are… pretty up-to-date.

You’re a slight-decent townread

Trying to find it.

Correct if am wrong but where am i on this list?
Cause i do’t see it here.

You were struck from the list because my read on you was too small to be classified as town or scum

Here it is for Voting

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has anything changed or do you just have me as a Null read?

Not much has changed, nope.

More in-depth?

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Also, my reason for low productivity has been stated multiple times, and is literally my first post in my ISO. :clown_face:

Yeah i agree would like to hear alittle more resoning to these

I have four pierogis left and a dog to walk. Do you want it now or can it wait ten minutes?

I’ll wait the 10 minutes do your stuff then come back and anwser

K thx bye

you have the 2nd most fucking posts in the game honestly please stop using that as an excuse you defenitely have had the time to be productive but it seems like you keep falling back on this excuse

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