[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Yes, and if he was scum, I think that Light would lie and try to get PKR lynched. You’ve got to remember who he shot in Insurgency N3 instead of outed scum. He isn’t the brightest bulb in the shed. I for one believe him.

No this is real happening on MU right now as well.

I am gonna try to use Punishment/Execution because Danganronpa

Because why would either town or scum have something that makes them kill themselves? I’ve already said that. It just wouldn’t make sense imo.

I’m thinking that between Kyo and L1ght is probably V/W.
L1ght claims that Hippo might be neutral, yet Kyo contradicts this with claimed mech info saying there are no neutrals. There is no way both of them are villagers based on this contradiction alone.

It was rhetorical
My opinion is that he was some sort of neut that completed his win condition and thus yeeted himself out of the game
he obviously had tmi on the matter
day-deaths are not supposed to be flipless in this game

Cause I don’t like your reasoning and could easily see you as a investigative mafia role since they also I assume lose the info on a kill.


I skimmed it, haven’t read it in detail
On principle, I feel like it’s not going to be ai since he forced a conclusion first then needed to cherrypick information to back it up

im going to use cuddle because its superior terminology

Its Hippo, it prob was a dayvig he used on himself for memes

I am going to too now because yes

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It’s win-win for us, either he flips town means that there’s 1 non town dead or he flips scum

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. This is not a 1 - 1 situation. Personal speculation makes me think that Hippo was a neut. That does not mean Hippo was a neut.

self dayvig should not be flipless in this game

it probably wasnt a self shot originally, but he aimed it at himself

Is room for error but then please look at a world of no neutrals.

Why would any town kill hippo in the day yesterday? And if hippo was town why was only town killing last night?

@KyoDaz instead of dancing around it, tell us what us what your mech-info is. I’m not letting my fate be decided just because you wanted to seem useful.

I think it’s highly likely that hippo had a flavor that revolved around dead chat abilities
maybe something related to revenant for memes sake

that’s it

I think he just flips W here.

Claiming to cop an obvious villager who was NK’d for deepwolf paranoia, had a terrible d1, and his thought process here regarding Hippo dying was… not something I expect from a villa.

we were told that day-deaths are not supposed to be flipless in this game, no matter how they occur
a winning non-NK neut is the only possibility im capable of conceiving