[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Everyone is ignoring the fact that I was the first one to in.

Yeah, then why can’t I be a legit 3p CC’ing you?

Kyo loves his wacky claims as scu

But u said they thought u were nk

They knew it wasn’t real
Therefore assumed I was NK with info that neutrals don’t exist
And proceeded to try and have me hung as NK ‘confirming’ neutrals exist

Kyo are you a tree stump too?

Do you have a vote?


Holy shit what did I miss

Kyo you liw of claim here was bad an you provided false info.

You backing up is an attempt to save your wolf hide. Your ability fits a neutral and multibal world from what i read.

If they thought u were NK why would they put the clarvoient in as a kill. That makes 0 sense

Yes, Alice thought I was NK after their claimvig failed and went for the towncred

/insult KyoDaz

Kyo you venomous bitch. If only you were as good at scumhunting as you are digging up shit from the past. That’s what you are. A shit digger. And a digger is what she digs, as they say, and that indeed is the essence of your being. You think you can weasel your way out of your atrociously scummy play? Ha! You lie to yourself almost as much as you lie to Town. You spew bullshit, dig up bullshit, and are, in fact, bullshit. Go down to the sewers where you belong, with the filthy Rat that is Napoleon. Your mafia team will soon die, and this world will finally be free of your misery-inducing existence

@eevee @Arete @Firekitten


@techwolves I hope you understand what I meant by number 119 red thing related to your flavor like please do

You wern’t i checked the logs.

imagine thinking i was not immortal lmao

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It doesn’t matter anyway no chance of death, right?

I didn’t really get to see what the event was don’t kill me

Dude I am so fucking confused what the hell happened and are/were you neut?

I was. My post is before Kyo’s for me and I literally posted right after the event was announced.

He says Marshal claimed miller

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This is amazing.