[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

That’s misrepresenting me yet again.

Did you not even read anything I’ve been saying? Everyone, ISO me and tell me my actions could come from a wolf. I have been nothing like I was in Insurgency.

I’m literally an Inq with two Unseen as a target.

Of course she is. She’s pushing agenda. Kill her.

Oh sheesh, you can also say it at loud you were pushing me just by having a reaction you dont sit well.

You’re the one pushing an agenda. How the hell am I a wolf for CC your mech oracle claim instead of a 3p with a townsiding wincon?

Mafia that claimvigged me and knew my clairvoyant was fake.
You are opportunist and scum. You can die for it.
We need to rise up against Alice. She is a filthy liar.


The entire reason for you to out your fakeclaim was to push a lynch on light, since Hippo cleared light with Marshal being a miller then it’s p obvious that you’re a wolf here that was FPS’ing to make light look worse.

Alice is obviously evil.
She needs slaughtered ASAP.
Butcher her.
Fire the decimation cannons.

Please back your accusations with evidence?

I already have concrete evidence I have stated.
And it’s only going to be further solidified with your flip

Which is…

mkay i think im actually the neutral party between alice and kyo/solic here
yes me and alice did have some clashing, but im a known anti-neuts out person so i feel obliged to defend that side somewhat. and on the other side i think im overall fine with those two
alice. please lighten up.
i know you see it as bad play and that annoys you. but please do take it that its just an opinion of bad play. yes i know thats way over-used, but still. even if its an opinion perhaps the overwhelming majority of mafia players would share, it is still an opinion and someone else can have a different one. if solic thinks they’re playing fine thats on them

solic and kyo, yall should lighten up on alice. yes i understand the innate distrust in her because shes claiming neutral, but do try and actually hear what she is saying behind the insults. she had a reason why she claimed that, and it was to prevent the mislynch of light. whether that’d be an intentional mislynch on kyo’s end i wont discuss here, but she has a point. it makes sense mechanically that a role like the one she is claiming would exist, and no one is really counterclaiming it. unless further information comes to light on the subject i think its relatively safe to believe her claim of a wincon. now, that does mean she might eventually turn on us, but i think its the right play to at least hear what she says and keep her around, as she’s on our side for now so what she says can easily be good for us. also yall may not be swearing as much, and it might not be to the same extent, but dont pretend yall arent insulting in kind

after writing this, its seemed alice has turned down the insults a good bit. good on you for that :+1:

figure of speech not claiming neut here

Why would I be so insistant on shooting or lynching Nappy as wolf? When did I ever have my own opinion in Insurgency like I do in this game? I think the scumteam have an agenda to get rid of me this game by spewing BS. See how no one has ISOed me and really looked at my tone?


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actually in general yall have calmed down so i guess this was unnecessary
:man_shrugging: ah well

Are you shoved up her pocket or something

I’ve… ISO’d you twice, actually, and the first time came away with town, and the second with scum.