[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

have u read any of thread zone?

where is everybody?

Go ISO Eevee if you don’t believe me.




Playing Skyrim

thats what i meant

I already answered you

yes we know theres a forbidden word, but not using a word is like super easy (until emotions rise high, then i usually forget a lot). Why do u think him not using it is scum motivated

Kyo Alice and Leafia have siad it so much lol

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Maybe Zone will have some sense. Although I can sort of see where PKR was coming from as I was acting pretty scummy for a while there.

It’s imbedded into your brain.
The ban on MU and Mafia451 was incredibly stupid anyway.
But it gives me an excuse to use JETTISON.

I’m p sure Zone’s an easy read here, tbh.

Quite sure he can easily clear himself by posting.

I’m not saying that I don’t believe you in N not using that word. I don’t see how that would make N scum. Why did you shoot him?

I’m sorry PKR. I blame myself for your swap out. If you actually were town, then I’ll win this one for you.

why were u doing that?

I haven’t said the l word once since it was banned. Not that I can remember anyway.

THe ‘L’ word

I’ve already told you all, apparently if everyone uses jettison instead we are all awarded those coins.