[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Nice to meet you. I’m Light, but you can call me Light (or dumbass, as I think most of the people here want to)

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Wait could you reword this i dont understand it

wait what is your pfp

Hey hey am here. Anyone wanna let me know what i have missed. Skimed alittle earlyier but already forgot majority of it.

Nobody wanted to tell me anything either :frowning:

Nothing much tbh

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Really? :thinking: I found it a bit too gung-ho to be honest. If Dat would be town, I could see Ami still being scum, but if Dat would flip scum, I’d agree. My memory says that Ami does not interact much with partners if they can avoid so (see LOTFRM)

Someone give me a person to read I need somewhere to start

Can confirm. Was scum with them in Hell in a Cell and I don’t think we actually interacted all game.

Ici’s individual posts are very weak, making easy calls with little deeper thought
This is out of character for them and doesn’t jive with tone of the thread being like half tryhard half complete meme

Rest just memes
Confoundingly little content for normal Ici


What’s your take on marshal seemed from what i saw early he was role fishing alittle.

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Why say “your read is invalid because x,y,z”
Instead of making yourself easier to read

insert scumslip here

Oh cool light your in this game was hoping to play with you again after that bastard game.

I’m focusing on it because you’ve been showing “exuding confidence in a way that feels like you are doing it intentionally” in your posts

Ohaidere. That bastard game was… Interesting. You were… Jester, right?

My memory is nicht so gut so I can’t say for certain lol


Because it was invalid?

And I do intend on trying to solve this game.

Naw the other one wasn’t in game two i was Mafia Gambler and won in the end.

Actual take on Ici