[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

people online cross reference by opposite side

Frost and gotta makes the most sense here.

Would kill frost first however


Okay I’ll summarize events of last few hours
PKR dipped and Zone replaced him
In an event N.1 was very sus and killed 4 people cuz of his susness: Zone, Centuries, Light and Kyo.
I shifted into the POE and looking at vote thread, votes shifted to Ici from Italy
Also question: Is the consensus that Kyo was bad and Alice is good, or they’re both good? Reading thread I’m still not sure

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I think

Geyde’s redcheck on Ici makes me even more confident that he’s scum too so he’s still the lynch for the day.

Event update

Due to the fact that EoD is at 6:34 AM, event results may be announced and prizes may be given after the start of the night (it will be mechanically treated as if it happened on time)

Ok that’s probably why the votes shifted then, I missed this part

Kyo is good otherwise N.1’s trade is really unfavorable for scum, and Alice is neut that has to kill two scum and one town. But she said shes townsiding as scum will want to go for the same role as she is

why the wavering on simon?

Makes sense
Okay so I might’ve skimmed a TINY bit and missed the details on Geyde’s redcheck
What happened

he red checked Ici

Well seems simple enough

We know who’s controlling toaster?

nope but they are on Ici so like probably good

Would there be a reason for town to not say they had an NPC? Would fear of being targeted be the only one?

it’s because it makes the poe tighter for the prs


Prs as in protective roles, right?

Power Roles

aka chloe

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