[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Welcome, Alice


Ok are you claiming to have won both from the Mystery box?

Wait so did he tell you you got them because no one bid or not

Was the AC ever confirmed?

u either won them earlier, part of ur role, or u did something to the event.

How the fuck am I a wolf? I’ve been hyperposting and directing the PoE here and so far we’ve literally yeeted 2 wolves and cornered another one and they killed themselves in the event.

I mean I bid in the second auction so there’s no way no one bid on that one

Cleaned flip my ass

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That was the fucking vig I got.

theres something fishy going on here

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You directed PoE to tunnel on a villager (mode), a villager (simon), and a “villager” from your pov (ici)
You did nothing to create order when there was mechanical chaos at the start of d2, and you’re claim here about getting the dayvig is fake since it should be a cleaning vig

That’s what fucking Eevee told me.

The claim is not fucking fake. I got the dayvig from the mystery.

and where are you claiming to get the AC from?

From the Event.

Answer, please?

We’re not going to start shooting until we get TL’s info about PKR’s role. That much I know. Are we all in agreement here? I’d also like to know how Derps came to leave the forum.

and eevee told me it didnt count as people didn’t particpate