[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Who is your most likely candidate for the person you are wrong about?

You, but I really don’t think so. My villagereads are disturbingly strong this game.

I feel like it’s futile to argue further with seemingly no thread activity, but this could have been a townslip.

They are really trying to sell it however in a next post… AAAHHH

I’m going to be really sad if you’re town. Your last few posts have all been questions about pushes/reads/greenchecks with no conclusions of yourself when you’re main wagon. I need to read that wallpost that you made again to be honest.

I’m so conflicted on this gamestate.

4/5 scum likely remain. This relies on a few factors:

  1. N was scum. I would say I’d literally quit mafia forever if this wasn’t the case, but in my current state, I should more so say that I’d join 3 different mafia sites in addition to signing up for every game here if this was true.

  2. Any of the banned people are not scum.

Marshal is out of this one for being killed night 1 and noone claiming it. CRich hasn’t been claimed either. Some players dying early and not claiming it, because everyone immediately started insulting :eyes: is a left-field option.

Sulit announcing their desperado shot could also have been a coordinated effort to propel Alice to “lock-town” in order to endgame. This scenario requires that Alice and Sulit are both scum and would use kill-power on themselves. It has the benefit that Chloe could use resurrection on Sulit. Setting up Chloe to use resurrection on a mafia is something accounts for all these deaths however. It feels unlikely, but it’s a possibility.

Geyde was first proponent, so that’d make this scenario less likely.

Kyo/Light/Centuries/PKR contain a scum. (I just noticed that these are all judge alliance, except PKR who was swapped) That makes that scenario slightly more likely for N to be Chloe-hunting, making it more worthwhile to take another scum with him.

Nightkill on Marshal wasn’t too weird with push on Napoleon.

Nightkill on CRich is just …??? I agree that Chloe wasn’t too hard to find :wink:

It might, as said, indicate a LHF team of Simon/Mist/Maxi/Ici (gf). It fits with very low WiM on Ici, N making a super half-assed push. Napoleon imploding himself day 1. Italy not even trying and being salty on Napoleon for claiming Chloe. No resistance whatsoever to this wagon now again. This doesn’t fit with the control of the thread leading to so many town deaths though. Was it really just accidentally hitting all these other town LHF in a row? Who the hell would the possible 5th member even be?

I don’t know whether it’s my tunnel syndrome coming back for being rusty or me just hating being possibly wrong, but I can’t shake Alice distrust and this being again mostly dictated by her PoE. Unless people start showing up I don’t think I can change this vote anymore. Honestly I wouldn’t know on who now anyways… I feel like I’m just hoping for the best and I dislike that passivity. It feels like being a sheep waited to be slaughtered. So many town have flipped today and literally every living player doesn’t seem to blink. What the fuck is up with that, it makes me paranoid.

Btw I asked and apparently interaction with desperado and gf depends on the desperado wording.

It feels good to be at a keyboard again, but I feel like now I’m too late. I really dislike these short game cycles tbh. Someone please share thoughts with me if you’re here. This thread has died down hard. I feel like I can just pray that Simon is mafia and we’ll be okay from that. I think that’d really make me a bit more assured on current proceedings, because I certainly didn’t push him, so that’d make the main pushers on the thread (Alice) look a lot better to me maybe finally.

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Okay maybe I should actually read something first. It leaves bad associations with both Ici and N. I think there wasn’t a socially based conclusion in there and his effort (this is what I meant with ScumSimon slanks) did significantly drop off after this.

I feel like I just want to believe that Simon is scum now though…

Let me dig up some games that I played with N to see what he actually does with his partners, because from what I remember on his meta is that he started out being incredibly fearful in his posting. He seemed to have changed that now to overdramatic rage, but those are meta-reads on him in isolation, not on his relations.

Wait I somehow confused N and Arete… uhhh… I must have some game where I played with Maxwell/N scum.

In evolution mafia, N just gave 2 very NAI short replies to a scumbud. Only interacted with his pushers who were town. He did talk to a lost wolf, but I’m not sure how informed he was of them there. (Nice trip down memory lane tbh)

I haven’t played anything else with him over several months it seems. Meh.

That aggression/dramatics is a whole new thing to me however. I guess I can see how his bad faith comment he had towards Simon could be also be used to justify his own bad push and soften it up a bit as Simon nor N was targeted hard by entire thread, so they didn’t need to bus each other or endgame.

I feel like I’m making this conclusion first and trying to rationalize it now.

This is still super off.

100000+ post threads are an annoyance with trying to ISO.

Welcome to meandering isolated EoD thoughts with Solic, because Hippo just liked and dipped. :eyes:

I wonder if there would be any mechanical benefit for me to now also vote Simon or if that could possibly be used against me. In non-bastard sense voting scum should be a good thing, so I guess I’ll do that. Let’s hope he is scum.

WASTE as N would say at this post lul.

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I hate flipless to be honest, but please keep some of these points in mind if for example Alice or Marshal ends up making it to F3 in regards to how “cleared” they are.

Mist might also be town and this being the scum counterwagon to this. There was also CFD pressure yesterday to go unto Mist.

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This might also explain why I can’t make sense of anything.

But this mechanic is like the absolute worst thing, so I wouldn’t have to feel so bad about my reads not lining up since yesterday.

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What a crazy EoD calm down everyone

Theres too many people posting I cant think clearly

I’d rather hang maxi over simon personally tbh

Why? :thinking:

Btw wtf is the whole banana thing about?

I’ve seen Italy/Geyde/Maxi say it now. Illuminati signals…? XD


Explain that banana business please.


Have u actually seen that that’s sus as fuck lmao