[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

if i was actually scum the smart move would be to stay silent or lie about it??

cause if i claim that i can revive a dead person im obviously going to be pressured to revive a dead townie

you’re literally bsing so hard

I’ve already explained why.

What was it again just to be frank?

no u havent lol it’s literally the shittiest tinfoil ive heard

You also haven’t said why you didn’t even try using it last night. Or why you’re so certain the nightskipping thing was due to a scum ability. You’re acting on what TMI there.

*way TMI

about those posts from solic
could you get them

also yah why wouldn’t you use it last night ???

tin foil over nm, could of swore there were four items auction 1. But misremembered

And again you didn’t explain why you didn’t even try to revive someone. You’re just avoiding the issue now.

A like cop to see if a person has more or less likes than me.

and whod u check and what was the result?

also a lot of solic’s post are fluff or just useless commentary/speculation

recent solic posts


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Hippo and I was never given the result. Although I’ll tell you now. Eevee has told me that one person has less likes than I do, but not who that person is. For reference, my flavor has 191 likes. That’ll tell you as much as I know about if Hippo has more than me or not.

At least I think he said that to me.

why were u not given results?

Solic could be scum. I’ll admit that much but I’m not going to waver on lynching Maxi here.

…the night skipped.


  1. that’s implying i do have revive which i refuse to say whether or not i do
  2. yes, i still have the gift and am able to use it i think (need eevee to clarify)
  3. the specifics are unclear so i clearly can’t even explain it, not that i want to
  4. hate to say it but the gift is kinda obviously conditional LOL

But she used it during the day